Allison Pugh
A selection of writing in magazines, newspapers, and blogs

"AI and the Consent of the Automated." LSE Business Review. February 18, 2025.
"I set out to study which jobs should be done by AI – and found a very human answer." The Guardian. January 21, 2025.
"When AI Automates Relationships." Time magazine. August 14, 2024.
"The Triumph of Counting and Scripting." Slate. June 23, 2024.
“An Inequality of Being Seen.” Noema Magazine inaugural issue. June 12, 2020.
Book Review: Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope. By Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Harvard Magazine May 2020 issue.
"Automated Health Care Offers Freedom from Shame, But Is It What Patients Need?" The New Yorker. May 22, 2018.
"What Happens At Home When People Can't Depend on Stable Work." Harvard Business Review. April 4, 2017.
"The Corrosive Impacts of Job Insecurity," Work in Progress: Sociology on the Economy, Work and Inequality. October 13, 2016.
"Men At Work," Aeon. December 4. 2015.
"Class Matters: What Job Insecurity Does to Our Kids," The New Republic. May 17, 2015.
"The Sweet Lies We Tell Ourselves," Chronicle Of Higher Education, November 7, 2014.
“The Social Meanings of Dignity at Work.” 2012. The Hedgehog Review. 14(3): 30-38.
“Intimacy Meets Hard Times.” Review of: Cherlin, Andrew. The Marriage Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today; and Olds, Jacqueline and Schwartz, Richard. The Lonely American: Drifting Apart in the Twenty-First Century. The American Prospect. For spring books issue, April 2009.
"Mom was a Goalie." Book review of Harvey Araton, Alive and Kicking, New York Times Book Review, January 10, 2002, p. 21.
"Peregrine Falcon Winning Quest for Survival." Los Angeles Times, June 24, 1990
"Law Review's First Black President Aims to Help Poor." The Miami Herald: p. C01. April 18, 1990.
"Hometown, Family Prepares for Hostage's Homecoming Sunday." Associated Press. May 24, 1990
"Handle with Care Those Who Care." Chicago Tribune, Nov. 30, 1989.
Other formats:
Debate on replication and ethnography on Twitter October 2017